Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can I access general information about the conference?
A: The official TASMUN website has different sections of various information including chair reports, committee introduction videos, and the conference schedule.
Q: What debate materials should delegates bring to the conference?
A: Delegates are expected to bring a drafted resolution to the conference. For specialized committees (APQ, UN4MUN, Crisis), a position paper is required to be submitted before 4/1, two weeks prior to the conference.
Q: Are policy statements and position papers considered the same thing at TASMUN?
A: Yes, they are considered the same. Participants who are required to submit a policy statement should refer to “Policy Statement (Position Paper) Guide”, and not any other, under the Writing label on the Resources tab.
Q: What is the dress code for the conference?
A: Please wear formal attire that reflects the professionalism of the conference. All delegates are expected to be in formal wear/business attire with dress shoes at all times. If they choose to wear dresses or skirts, they should be at knee length, decent and appropriate for the conference. If they choose to wear a suit, a tie is mandatory at all times. Suit jackets are not required to be worn at all times, but are required for the podium. We also highly recommend that delegates who wear shoes with high heels bring an extra pair of flats.
Q: Where will I be able to find the resolution templates for TASMUN?
A: All Resources, Handbooks, and Guides are under the Resources tab on the TASMUN website.
Q: What time should I arrive on the first day of the conference?
A: Registration will begin at 8:15 AM on Saturday, April 13th.
Q: Is there a way I can follow the conference live?
A: The official TASMUN Instagram (@tasmodelun) will be posting stories and updates about the conference live. The press team will also publish their annual publication of the TASMUN Times, including interviews and more.
Q: Who should I contact if I have additional questions that are not addressed on the website?
A: Please direct all questions you may have to the TASMUN Secretaries-General ( or Mr. Anthony Ives ( If you have additional concerns, please refer to the Contact Us page.